Oleh: bhoedi_sp | 06/07/2011

Why Does A Boomerang Return To Its Thrower?

Conducted by Budi Sigit Purwono, S.Pd.Si.

Two well-known scientific principles dictate the characteristic flight of a boomerang: (1) the force of lift on a curved surface caused by air flowing over it; and (2) the unwillingness of a spinning gyroscope to move from its position.

When a person throws a boomerang properly, he or she causes it to spin vertically.

As a result, the boomerang will generate lift, but it will be to one side other than upwards. As the boomerang spins vertically and moves forward, air flows faster over the top arm at a particular moment than over the bottom arm.

Accordingly, the top arm produces more lift than the bottom arm and the boomerang tries to twist itself, but because it is spinning fast it acts like a gyroscope and turns to the side in an arc. If the boomerang stays in the air long enough, it will turn a full circle and return to the thrower. Every boomerang has a built-in orbit diameter, which is not affected by a person throwing the boomerang harder or spinning it faster.]

Compiled from The Science and Technology Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.


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